It's that time again when you start thinking about all the things you want to do and all the changes you want to make for the new year.
At the top of that list should be your health. Now is the time to start a new program or jump start your old one.
If you have ever wondered about working out with a Personal Trainer but thought it wasn't for you or not affordable... Then, have I got news for you!
The truth is, we all know that we need to exercise, but more than 60% of adults are overweight or obese! So, what's the problem?... Most people don't know how to exercise! They're not sure where to start. How much should they be exercising? What exercises should they do or not do? How many sets? how many reps? What type of program? Undulating periodization? Push-Pull? Interval? and the questions can go on and on.
I can help you discern through all this and get down to the nitty-gritty of saving you time and money. I will work with you on finding the best possible program to suit your needs and goals all in the comfort of your own home.
As for affordability? A session could possibly cost less than you pay for your work out gear! Not only that, but what price do you put on your health???
Do something exciting for yourself. Get the motivation, inspiration and devotion you deserve! Even more important, get the strong, healthy, energetic body and lifestyle you desire!!!
I am so excited for this new year. My passion is to help educate you so you can make the most out of your lifestyle choices. Keep checking in for new videos and information!
Yours in Fitness,
Jackie Mueller
Call or email any questions.